Truckers Block New York City!

By Neenah Payne

Truckers are threatening to block New York to defend Donald Trump.

NYC Protest Begins Truckers Block New York!

Gov Kathy Hochul SHOCKING Decision Freeze Truckers Accounts!

NYC Shutdown: TRUCKERS HIT NEW YORK CITY After TRUMP Fraud Blow!No-Go Zone Declared Trump Truckers NYC Crisis 2024NYC faces complete shutdown as truckers threaten to paralyze state, ‘New Yorkers must stock up’.Why are US truckers boycotting New York City and will they be able to paralyse the city?

Trucker Boycott Is Destroying NYC

Trucker Boycott Is Destroying NYC Mass Exodus of NYC Businesses Investors  Truckers for Trump

Donald Trump must pay $354.9 million in penalties for fraudulently overstating his net worth to dupe lenders, a New York judge ruled on Friday, handing the former U.S. president another legal setback in a civil case that imperils his real estate empire. Justice Arthur Engoron, in a sharply worded decision, opens new tab issued after a contentious three-month trial in Manhattan, also banned Trump, who is running to regain the presidency this year, from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for three years.

Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba vowed to appeal. Engoron canceled his prior ruling from September ordering the “dissolution” of companies that control pillars of Trump’s real estate empire, saying on Friday that this was no longer necessary because he is appointing an independent monitor and compliance director to oversee Trump’s businesses.

Why Socialists Want to Destroy Western Civilization and Christianity | Prof. DiLorenzo 4/2/20

What is the Aim of Political Correctness? Why do socialists want to destroy Western civilization and Christianity? What does multiculturalism really represent? Prof. Thomas DiLorenzo starts with a quote from the book “Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis” by Ludwig von Mises, first published in German by Gustav Fischer Verlag in Jena in 1922. Thomas James DiLorenzo is an American economics professor at Loyola University Maryland Sellinger School of Business.

Americans Are Voting With Their Feet

Democrats are so desperate to keep Donald Trump from winning the presidency again that they are willing to pull out all the stops – including destroying New York, America’s biggest state, its financial and cultural capital. New Yorkers (like Californians) have been fleeing for Florida and Texas in droves for years – especially during the draconian COVID policies. Now, the policies of NY Governor Hochul are driving more people and businesses out of New York.

Census Bureau: Florida and Texas population up, California and New York way down

Census confirms Texas and Florida are America’s future

We suspected people were moving by the thousands to Texas and Florida. Now Washington has proof. The recent census results added two congressional seats to Texas and bolstered Florida’s representation by one seat, while California and New York each lost a seat. American politics and culture are changing, and ground zero of that change is these two Southern states. Their trajectory will come to define the future of America.

No longer are Texas and Florida only for escaping high taxes, onerous regulation and frigid weather. These states are the foundation of America’s future. They may be raising the future presidents of this country, and they’re housing both white- and blue-collar workers. Florida is on the map, and Texas — despite the problem it’s had keeping the lights on — is quickly becoming the nexus of industry and innovation.

We’ve already begun to notice Texas and Florida aggregating America’s largest corporations over the past year. Everything associated with the future of America can be found in these states. Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs is expanding to sunny Miami, and technology giant Oracle moved to Austin, Texas. Even Silicon Valley has started getting a little thin.

Ron Conway, founder of SV Angel, told Business Insider, “Candidly, some of those leaving have already found great wealth here in the Bay Area ecosystem, and so they have the privilege of leaving and declaring some other city ‘the next big thing.’”

Elon Musk’s transition to Austin could make this Southern city “the next big thing.” He made a new home for his rockets in Texas to escape California regulations — with the “final straw” being disrespect from California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D).

If the only new additions to Florida and Texas were corporations, the movement wouldn’t be so monumental. But the traffic is not solely from big business; grandparents, parents, children and siblings are escaping the traditional coastal hubs. A Redfin report revealed that nearly 45 percent of its January Austin home searches came from users in other metro areas. The Orlando, Fla., region alone is projected to add 1,500 people per week to reach 5.2 million by 2030. Where the people are is the hub of culture.

Engineers and information systems experts will settle in Texas; the same cycle will occur in Florida with bankers and day traders. They’ll have children, and their children will have children. Along with this current migration will come consequential changes in the fabric of American society for generations.

But we still live very much in a world where the left and right coasts dictate the narrative in the U.S. The mainstream media decides which issues, battles and events are noteworthy and get the limelight. It directly influences trends in the digital sphere. Now this narrative’s trajectory of influence is trending down, not up. They won’t be able to maintain a tight grip on information. They will no longer be the genesis and judge of all thought. Environment directly affects how people think. So, instead of information being concentrated in two prominent states, it will become more decentralized. Perspectives will shift.

Let’s face it: Florida and Texas are not frontier states anymore; they’re the future of mainstream America. While people can thumb their noses at the South and cast it aside as uncivilized, they’re mistaken. Right before our eyes, we’ve transitioned to a world where places such as San Francisco and New York will continue to lose out to places such as Austin and Miami. And Americans will continue voting with their feet long after the pandemic crisis has abated.

Finally, this news isn’t breaking: One of us wrote an op-ed about this phenomenon back in 2016. The pandemic and significant shifts in 2020 have only accelerated the process. So, the 2020 census isn’t a passing trend ignited by the pandemic that will slowly wane. This demographic shift is the beginning of a permanent change.

Net Domestic Migration By State 10/17/23

The population landscape in America is undeniably changing. Once consistent population centers like California, Illinois, and New York are now shrinking. This means exponential growth for states like Texas, Florida, and Arizona. Throughout 2020-2021, Florida led the nation with a net positive migration of 220,890, and Texas came in second with a net positive migration of 170,307.

Where Are People Moving to in the US?

The map above shows each states net domestic migration from April 2020 to July of 2021. Florida and Texas had the most new residents, gaining around 200,000 each. New York and California suffered the largest losses. It appears that Arizona is benefiting from the exodus of people leaving California, as are Tennessee and the Carolinas form people leaving Illinois.

More New Yorkers moved to Florida in 2022 than any year in history in staggering exodus  1/19/23

Dazed and abused by high taxes and rising crime, more New Yorkers fled to Florida in 2022 than any year in history, according to new data. A staggering 64,577 Empire Staters exchanged their driver’s licenses for the Sunshine State version last year, according to figures from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. “They come in every day,” a staffer at a Jacksonville DMV office told The Post this week with a weary laugh. “I hear all the complaints. I feel like a therapist sometimes.” The worker said the venting refugees harbor a long list of grievances — with taxes and eroding quality of life at the top of the list.

Texas, Florida see biggest population gains as over 600,000 flee New York, California 1/25/23

A growing number of Americans packed up and moved south in 2022, while bailing out of New York and California. Texas saw the largest net population gain for the one-year period ended July 1, 2022, with more than 450,000 people moving to the state, according to a new report from analysts led by Rafe Jadrosich at Bank of America Global Research. The firm cited data from the U.S. Census Bureau data and U-Haul rates in building its report.

Florida saw the second-largest net population gain over this period, as more than 400,000 people moved to the Sunshine State. In contrast, both California and New York saw net population drops north of 300,000 over that period. By state, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, South Carolina, and Tennessee were the biggest gainers in terms of net population growth, according to Bank of America. Florida, Texas, and North Carolina also saw the largest increases in net domestic migration — or people moving from one state to another — with these states adding 319,000, 231,000, and 100,000 new residents from other states, respectively.

In contrast, some 343,000 Californians fled the state for another while 300,000 New Yorkers did the same. Illinois saw the third-highest number of net domestic population outflows, with 142,000 people leaving the state for another.

States That Have It Right Are Winning

Former Speaker Paul Ryan predicts ‘big migration’ from high-tax NYC to cities in Texas, Florida (video)

‘The cities that have it right are going to win,’ Ryan said

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan predicted a “big migration” from high-tax cities like New York City and said Republicans’ 2017 cap on state and local tax deductions, combined with the coronavirus pandemic, exposed the high cost of certain cities.


“I think you’re going to see a difference between cities like New York that do not appreciate job creators [and] businesses and cities like Dallas or in Florida,” Ryan said. “So you’re going to see a big migration based on cost, quality of government [and] entrepreneurship.” Ryan said the SALT cap enacted as part of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 first exposed some big cities’ problems.

At least 20 finance and tech companies are set to leave New York City for Florida, the New York Post reported. JetBlue is the latest company to consider relocating its head office to the Sunshine State when its lease ends in 2023, according to the New York Post. “Policies make a difference on urban trends,” Ryan concluded. “The cities that have it right are going to win.” Democrats appear to be inching toward repealing the SALT cap, which would disproportionately benefit wealthy Americans living in blue states.

Meanwhile, New York is set to raise taxes on its wealthiest residents after Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders reached a tentative agreement that would make the state’s millionaires pay the highest income rate in the nation.

Residents Flee New York and California

High-tax state exodus accelerates as more Americans flee to Florida, Texas (video) 2/7/23

California, New York suffer biggest resident losses in 2022 as Americans flee high-state taxes

A growing number of Americans migrated from predominantly blue states with steep taxes like California and New York to red states with lower taxes like Florida and Texas last year, according to new data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Florida saw the biggest rush of new residents, with about 319,000 Americans relocating there in 2022. That amounts to a population increase of nearly 2% – well above the 0.4% national growth rate recorded in the U.S. between July 2021 and July 2022. Other red states that led in population growth include Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Arizona and Idaho.

Three of those states – including Texas, Florida and Tennessee – do not tax regular income, according to a separate analysis from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, a group that advocates for lower taxes.

On the other end of the spectrum, California, New York and Illinois, which have some of the highest tax burdens in the country, saw the biggest population declines in 2022. California saw its population tumble by more than 343,000 people in 2022, although New York had the overall largest decline in its population with a 0.9% drop.

New Jersey and Massachusetts also saw their populations shrink last year.

For More Information

From Trucker Boycotts To Grid Down – There’s Only One Way To Survive A Food Crisis

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