Teodor Kuběna is European Newcomer of the Year! – Students For Liberty

Just over a year ago, Teodor joined the Czech Students For Liberty as one of our youngest volunteers, with a year still left to go in high school.

However, he was by no means intimidated and immediately took to working toward a freer future. He became an active author on the Czech team’s own blog, co-authoring articles on the war on drugs and the connection between technology and liberty. Since then, some of his texts have been printed as a brochure on the harmful consequences of prohibition, which the team hands out for free at their events.

Both of these topics are very dear to Teodor, and when the team started organizing the Legalize It! conference, centered around the issue of the war on drugs, he joined as one of the main organizers.

He invited Lyn Ulbricht to the event, and interviewed her himself on stage about her harsh first hand experience with the state’s machinery against victimless crimes. Beyond that, he also gave his own talk at the conference, together with another Czech volunteer, Lucie Komárková.

Teodor continues to be a strong presence at the team’s events, having given interviews about technology and liberty at the recent BTCPrague event, the largest Bitcoin-focused event in Europe, together with the Students For Liberty CEO Dr. Wolf von Laer. Moreover, he traveled to Ukraine, participating in the team’s first-ever conference there, concentrating on reconstruction after the war and discussing the country’s foreign relations.

For all these achievements within his first year of joining Students For Liberty, Teodor is the European Newcomer of the Year, and we cannot wait to see where he goes from here!

Teodor Kuběna is European Newcomer of the Year

This piece solely expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the organization as a whole. Students For Liberty is committed to facilitating a broad dialogue for liberty, representing a variety of opinions.

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