NAIFA Reports on the State of Advocacy

NAIFA is the leading advocacy voice for insurance and financial professionals at the federal and state levels. The association boasts members in every Congressional district and has a strong advocacy presence in every state capital. Last year, NAIFA tracked more than 490 state-level bills that had the potential to affect NAIFA members and the consumers they serve. NAIFA members or staff testified at more than 30 state-level hearings, providing real-world accounts of how policy proposals could benefit or harm the financial security of consumers. 

Providing an overview of its advocacy work, NAIFA has updated the “State of Advocacy: A Year in Review and a Look Forward” report to recap NAIFA’s federal and state-level advocacy work in 2023 and outline some of the issues looming in 2024.

State legislation affecting NAIFA members fell in a broad range of categories in 2023. Issues that led the way with the most bills under consideration include those touching on workplace and group benefits, retirement and investments, long-term care, and financial literacy.

The report draws on a survey of NAIFA chapter lobbyists and advocacy and grassroots leaders to project the likelihood that policymakers will introduce bills or regulations in various states that would:

Impose a fiduciary-only standard of care for financial professionals
Create a state-run long-term care program
Create a state-run retirement program
Alter the independent contractor status of financial professionals

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