Dr. Angela Oliver-Burgess, PhD, USA

Dr. Angela Oliver-Burgess is a senior humanitarian and development expert with experience working in complex emergencies and post-conflict contexts, including regions of Middle East, Central Asia, West and East Africa, Eastern Europe, and Central America.

Angela is the Founder and President of the non-profit organization SMILE for Budgie, which she started in honor of her late husband, Paul “Budgie” Burgess.

In this episode, Angela Oliver-Burgess discusses

the phased work of humanitarian aid workers in crisis situations and of development workers in addressing the needs of communities moving forward.

from an early age, her life’s calling to be of service to others.

working in a male-dominated field, learning not to take things too personally, and asking, “Where is the higher goal here? What are we all trying to work for?”

overcoming fear and dealing with trauma at your own pace.

the work of SMILE for Budgie and the man who inspired it, believing that there is no reason why any child needs to live in violence.

providing educational and psychosocial assistance for young people in the system of care, and ensuring that their voices are heard.

collaborating with all Agencies working in child welfare to identify community-based solutions.

the importance of encouraging young people to believe that what they say matters and to embrace their own authentic voice. 

The Power of Stories Podcast by SayItForward.org is a podcast BY women, ABOUT women, and FOR women! 

Listen to previous episodes with women from around the world here. SayItForward.org is the storytelling platform for women and girls to share their experiences, and to read about the experiences of others. The site is full of inspiring stories submitted by people from around the world. 

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