Reverse Diabetes Type 2 with Diet & Exercise


Diabetes is Type 2 is the most common form of the three types of Diabetes. It is also known as adult onset diabetes. This condition can be genetic. However, it is usually brought on by an poor lifestyle choices. For example, if you are overweight, don’t exercise, and eat foods high in sugar, then your body will struggle with insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas. Insulin acts like a key to let blood sugar into the cells in your body for use as energy.

Your pancreas makes more insulin to try to get cells to respond. However, over time, your cells become insulin resistant. Eventually your pancreas can’t keep up. Then, your blood sugar rises and you get prediabetes.  Prediabetes becomes Type 2 Diabetes when the cells don’t respond normally to insulin.

High blood sugar, along with prediabetes and diabetes, damages the organs of your body. Therefore, diabetes can cause other health problems. For example, it can cause heart disease and vision loss, It can also cause peripheral neuropathy and kidney disease.

Many people are predisposed genetically to Diabetes Type 2. In those cases, even if they are not obese, they may still end up with prediabetes. Losing weight and avoiding sugar in their diet is then their only option to avoid the disease.


Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that more and more Americans are facing as they age, become less active, and gain weight.  Diabetes is a disease that affects blood sugar in the body and causes blood sugar that is too high or too low. When blood sugar is not under control it can cause diabetic symptoms like extreme thirst and blurred vision. It also causes symptoms such as nerve pain in the hands and feet, retinopathy in the eyes, and sores that won’t heal.

When the disease progresses it can result in amputation and organ failure. Weight gain does not cause all types of Diabetes. But, obesity is a significant factor in becoming diabetic for most people.  

The good news is that Type 2 Diabetes is not always a permanent condition.  It can be reversed. The above symptoms can be avoided in many cases, unlike Type 1 Diabetes. That reversal doesn’t require surgery, pills, or injections. What is does require is a change in diet and routine, so that there is a loss of weight. It also means avoiding sugar in your diet. Once you have Diabetes Type 2, you won’t be able to eat sugar. So, you may as well start now avoiding it now, before you get the disease.


As reported by Time magazine, Amanda MacMillan states that in clinical trials from 2011, people who were recently “diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes returned their blood sugar levels to normal when they lost weight on a calorie restrictive diet.”  She also reported that in a 2016 study, people who had been diabetic for up to “10 years were able to reverse their condition when they lost about 33 pounds.”

Does losing weight mean you will automatically be free from Diabetes?  The answer is no. But, it is likely that it will improve the control of your blood sugar. It is also likely that it will give you more energy and better health. Make a decision now to change your habits. You will see results if you stick with your goals. Take a photo of yourself and draw up a weight loss chart. Hang both on the mirror. Weigh yourself once a week and take a photo once a week. Keep track of the food you eat and your exercise. Stick to your goals. The changes you see will motivate you.


Everyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it can be very difficult.  Exercise alone does not usually result in a significant loss of weight. The most likely way to lose body fat is through a combination of exercise and diet. In other words, eat less and exercise more. The important part of this motto is not to take it to the extreme.

You can eat less by cutting out a few hundred calories a day. You can try to not drink soda. Or, you can refuse an  extra helping at dinner. Taking one 15 minute walk around the block each morning or at night can help you burn another hundred calories.

If you eliminate 300 calories a day from your diet in this simple way, then over time you will lose weight.  Yes, it will be a slow process. You will need to be patient. But if you make small changes in your diet and exercise routine you can lose weight and possibly reverse Diabetes Type II. Think about it. Don’t you want to remain healthy into the future? If you want to play with your grandkids, travel, or maintain your hobbies, then make healthy choices.


It is often easier to lose weight by focusing on small changes in your diet and exercise, rather than going on a fad diet. Any diet is going to be difficult to follow in the long run. You may have success on a diet and lose weight, but if you go back to your old eating habits, you will gain the weight back. Gaining the weight back and dieting again is known as yo-yo dieting. Yo-yo dieting isn’t good for you body either. It is also depressing.

It is better for most people to add a couple of short walks into the day. If you increase your activity it burns more calories, helping you lose weight. Also, eat healthy food instead of unhealthy food. For example, eat a salad for lunch, instead of a hamburger. Or, eat smaller portions throughout the day.

For example, eat three fries instead of a whole package. Eat an apple or an orange for a snack instead of potato chips or junk food. Then, keep doing these small changes every day. If you reduce your calorie intake and burn more calories, then your body must burn fat to produce energy. Over time, these small habit changes will result in weight loss.


If you do change your diet or exercise routine, then discuss it with your doctor. Your doctor can offer suggestions. Additionally, you can help yourself by learning your ideal healthy weight, which is called your BMI. The BMI is your body mass index. You can this BMI calculator to assess your weight. The BMI only considers your height and weight. It does not consider your muscle mass.

These are the accepted BMI classifications:

Underweight: less than 18.5
Normal weight: 18.5-25
Overweight: 25-30
Obese: BMI of 30 or greater
Morbid obesity: BMI greater than 40

The BMI calculator is only one possible ways to assess your weight. The BMI calculator does not, for example, take into account your body muscle amount. If you are very muscular, like an athlete, then you may weigh more than the BMI amount. However, you might still be a healthy weight. Your doctor can give you more advice about what a healthy weight is for you. Also your doctor can help you with the proper diet to help you lose weight.

If you struggle to lose weight, then enlist the help of a friend. You can report your goals and habit changes to your friend and that will keep you honest. Also, you are more likely to go to the gym or enjoy exercise if you have a friend to encourage you and who will go with you.


​The SSA removed the listing for Diabetes in adults and in children from the Listing of Impairments.  The reason the SSA removed Diabetes from the listing is, in their words, because the listing “no longer accurately identified people who are disabled.” Obviously, this is just not true.

To put this in context, in order to win benefits under the old diabetes listing, an individual had to have more than just the disease. They also had to have severe enough diabetes that they needed an amputation – like one of the leg above the knee.  For the SSA to claim that Diabetes this severe is not a disability is ridiculous. In reality, the SSA changed the rules because they fear that aging baby boomers will have diabetes and apply for benefits. By removing obesity and diabetes from the listing, it is easier for the SSA to deny benefits to millions of people who need them.

Now, in order to win benefits, you must show that you have severe physical or mental symptoms from your Diabetes. For example, you may have organ damage to your heart or kidneys from your condition. Likewise, you may have neuropathy in your hands and feet. Or, you could have retinopathy or cataracts that stem from DM Type II. You will need your doctor to confirm you have severe symptoms that stem from Diabetes in your medical records.


If your Diabetes Type 2 is severe enough that it interferes with your ability to work a 40 hour work week, then talk to your doctor. Your doctor can talk about your limits and state whether or not you can work in your medical records. Make sure your doctor supports your SSD application. If your doctor talks about your limits, then it will be easier for the SSA to determine your residual functional capacity (RFC). Learn more here about how your RFC helps you win benefits.

You are responsible for sending your medical records to the SSA. In addition to medical information, you’ll also need personal documents, such as a birth certificate and tax information. Sending forms that are halfway complete or sending only part of your medical evidence could force the SSA to deny you benefits.

Medical records are the most important evidence in your benefit case. Learn more information about the importance of medical records in your SSD case. You can file your application for benefits online at the Social Security’s website.


At Cannon Disability Law we can help you apply for benefits for Diabetes Type 2. Also, we can help you appeal an SSA denial. Likewise, we can represent you in court at your SSA hearing. We will help you be a witness in your case. If necessary, we can also appeal your case to the Appeals Council.

Additionally, we file appeals in Federal Court. Finally, we can represent you where you live. For example, we can represent you if need an attorney in Utah or Nevada. Additionally, we can help you if you live in  Idaho, Colorado, or California. Learn more about Idaho SSD benefits.

Your ability to receive Medicaid benefits and Medicare depends upon whether you win your benefits. In order to fight SSA’s denials, you need a lawyer. Hire us. Dianna Cannon has been helping people win SSD cases for over thirty years. Brett Bunkall and Andria Summers also have many years of legal experience in Social Security law. We have won over 20,000 SSD and SSI hearings. You can trust us. We will do everything we can to win your SSDI and SSI benefits.

Many people worry about the cost of hiring an attorney, but they shouldn’t. We offer a free review of your case. Also, if we don’t win your benefits, then you do not owe us an attorney fee. We do not charge you an attorney fee up front. We only charge you an attorney fee once we win your benefits and you receive a back benefit. You pay us a percentage of your back benefit.


Our law firm is one of the best SSD law firms in the country. We are known as one of the best Social Security law firms in Las Vegas, Nevada. Our lawyers are also members of the National Organization of Social Security Claimant’s Representatives. Learn more here about Utah SSD benefits. Nevada SSD benefit information can also be found on this website. We also represent clients in Idaho. Find out more about Colorado SSDI benefits. Likewise, learn more about California SSD information.

Over the last 30 years, our firm has won thousands of SSDI and SSI cases. Additionally, we have won over $100 million in SSDI benefits for our clients. Over time, it has become more difficult to win Social Security cases. Also, the SSA medical rules are harder to meet. This applies to Diabetes Type 2, as you can see by the SSA being willing to take away the listing. The SSA found the growing cost of paying benefits to those with this illness to be too high.

That should tell you that you need to hire an attorney. Do not go to your hearing without a lawyer who has the experience to win your benefits. Those who go to the hearing without counsel are usually not successful in winning benefits. You should hire an attorney with the experience to deal with the SSA. Contact Cannon Disability Law today. We can help. There is no attorney fee unless you win benefits. Call now and let us help you win benefits for Diabetes Type 2.

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