Pete Alcock – What is Social Policy?

Pete Alcock gives his answer to the question ‘What is Social Policy?’

Social Policy in Britain 2nd Ed.- 2003, Palgrave

Understanding Poverty 3rd Ed. — 2006, Palgrave

International Social Policy (Ed. with Gay Craig) — 2001, Palgrave

Student’s Companion to Social Policy 2nd Ed.(Ed. with Angus Erskine and Maggie May) — 2003, Blackwell

Blackwell Dictionary of Social Policy (with Angus Erskine and Maggie May) — 2002, Blackwell

Welfare and Wellbeing — Richard Titmuss’s Contribution to Social Policy (Ed. with Howard Glennerster, Ann Oakley and Adrian Sinfield) — 2002, Policy Press

Work to Welfare: How Men become Detached from the Labour Market (with Tina Beatty, Steve Fothergill, Rob Macmillan and Sue Yeandle) – 2003, Cambridge UP

‘Close work’ Doing qualitative research in the voluntary sector,(Ed. with D. Scott) – 2005, Charities Aid Foundation/University of Birmingham/University of Manchester


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